Powered By Pumpkin

Happy Friday Morning!

Although it is insanely hard to believe the week is already over, I couldn’t be happier that the weekend has arrived! As a result of an amazing class field trip turned dance party and 3 hours of sleep on Wednesday night, yesterday was a bit of a right off in the productivity department. I am not meant to be a mid week drinker, end of story!

I did however go to a fabulous yoga class (its been a while.. downward dog = death to Oprah arms) and made some pretty unreal cookies with my roomie for the arrival of her dad and sister this afternoon. Yes, we feed our guests well!

We used this recipe after deciding you can’t go wrong with Martha, but we added peanut butter chips and skor bits as well.. Oh my! After tasting these bad boys I almost never want to healthify or veganize a recipe again..

This morning was an early one as I met Cass and Aless for an awesome and foggy early bird run. It is so warm outside for this time of the year and I am loving it! We took it really easy and  ran just shy of 10km in 59:39 (6:03 /KM pace, haha so we were basically “sleep running” but it felt great!).

Once I got home, this is all I had on my brain..DSC04507


Pumpkin Oats  … for the third time this week!

I never got in to detail however, a few weeks ago now I embarked on a trip to New Orleans with my thesis advisor for a presentation at marketing conference, Thanks to bad luck and crazy weather in the Midwest US, we never left the Buffalo airport 😦

Although I was disappointed, our whirlwind trip was not all negative as we made a pit stop at Target before heading back into Canada. This trip started a pumpkin frenzy at 1208..



So freaking good! Unfortunately, the word going around the streets of the blog world is that Libby’s is hard to find, and much like the amazing Chobani Greek yogurt, not available in Canada. Most groceries store do have pumpkin, its just not as good as this stuff… I bought 4 cans and I only have one left.. sad situation.

Pumpkin Oats

Pumpkin is overwhelming popular around the blog world these days and perfect for fall inspired dishes and as a result I have been inundated with recipes for pumpkin related eats for the last month or so! My version of pumpkin oats was inspired by who other than my favourite and admired go recipe source, Angela at Oh She Glows.

1/3 c. rolled oats

1/2 c. almond milk

1/4 c. water

3 “blobs” (around 1/3c.) pumpkin puree

1 banana (cut in half and diced)

1 t. cinnamon

1 t pumpkin pie spice

1/2 T chia seeds

1 T pumpkin seeds

1/2 T ground flax

Honey coated spoon for drizzle


Place oats and milk/water in a small sauce pan, bring to boil.

Once boiling, turn down heat and mix in pumpkin, half of the chopped naner, and spices.

Cover and let simmer for about 10 mins, or until all the liquid is absorbed and oats are at your desired consistency.

Spoon oats into a bowl and top with the rest of the bananer, flax, pumpkin/chia seeds ( the toppings which could be used on this are endless!)

Drizzle with little bit of honey and enjoy!


Up Next for Today:

Clean room (total gongshow!)

Apartment cleaning spree with the roomie (her fam jam is coming here for the weekend)

Interval class

Meeting with CB for thesis presentation next week

CAN Fit Pro!

Ohh and one more thing before I get crackin! I was thrilled to hear that I may have some new readers from my lovely home town..





I hope you guys keep on checking out my rambles, and please comment up a storm on anything you find ridiculously lame interesting!. Miss you 🙂

Happy Friday and have an awesome weekend!

What is your weekend looking like?









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One response to “Powered By Pumpkin

  1. Corey - The Runner's Cookie

    About a month ago I was obsessively calling local grocery stores because no one had pumpkin! When I finally found some and had the person put it on hold for me, the guy at the store totally thought I was nuts (understandably so). I think the “shortage” is pretty much over in Mass now, thank goodness, because I’m loving pumpkin oatmeal too, and pumpkin muffins/bread/anything 🙂 Pumpkin is addicting.

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