Daily Archives: July 29, 2010

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Goooood Morning!

So this is my first on location post ( shhhh… I may be at work!), meaning its going to be short and sweet! I got up uber early this morning ( 3:38 after both alarms were angrily buzzing for a atleast 5 mins!) and dragged my butt out the door, ran down Broadway and over Burrard and arrived at the gym for my 4:30 start! It was a little scary at first runnning in the dark and being the only one on the road, but after a little while I started to enjoy it!… And I was stoked to arrive at work and know I had hacked out an extra 5.5km this morning before I was officially awake! I will be at worksi until noon today and then I will be heading to the sand at Kitts beach to sleep for the rest of the afternoon and rest up for 7 hill repeats tonight with the clinic!

Quick recap of yesterday.. I rested off my cold for most of the day ( still wont be kicked.. bugger!), finally got some school stuff sorted out ( just ripped off an enormous band-aid in that department today.. feeels great!) and did a very painful and slow 10km with run club to the Denman store and back ( Garmy died on me so no stats, but they wouldnt of been pretty anyways!).. It’s offcial I think I need a rest day.. Saturday!?

Have an awesome day.. and you’ll probably be hearing from me on location again tommorow am! 🙂

Dream as if you’ll live forever.  Live as if you’ll die today.  ~James Dean


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